
Ms. Lang and the OGMS Media Center

Happy Friday, everyone! Normally, it would be a Ready to Read Friday! in 8LA,
but today everyone has to take the Explore test, so we aren't having
nearly as much fun as we will be on any other Friday.

Fridays bring book talks, reading time, help with book selection, young adult
lit news, and much, much more. But the best thing about Ready to Read
Fridays is the Media Center. Every other Friday our classes go to the
Media Center right here inOGMS to read.

Today, only 1st Hour got to go hang out with Ms. Lang, and boy, did the others miss out.

1. She told us about fourteen or so books that seem like awesome, fun-to-read, not to mention BRAND NEW, books.

2.She reminded us that if there is a book or magazine we stumble across
and would like to see in the library, all we have to do is mention
something to her and she'll look into it (maybe even get it for the OGMS MC!)

3. She reviewed rules like- Up to three books/magazine at a time. Check
out time is TWO weeks. Nothing new if something is overdue.

4. She offered us her services. Like a guide in the woods, Ms. Lang seems
to be ready to lead us through the forest of books, literature, and
media center materials.

5. She found good books for a handful of kids in Hour 1, not to mention me. I left there with two books I'm excited to dive into.

Thank you, Ms. Lang. You serve us well, and we are better (readers!) because of it.

See you at the OGMS Media Center-

p.s. I LOVE seeing familiar names! Kaitlyn M, Jimlaine, Beth, Courtney, and others. Plus FINALLY I have new kids posting too. I can tell the Class of '11 and the Class of '12 understand and feel the power of a good book. Keep reading, keep posting!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Stenson!!! I'm bummed because I didnt get to hear the book talk from ms Lang. I love an oppertunity to hear about some new books!!! Sorry I post so much!! I just love to read and I love to talk to other people about it!!!! Those explore test were kind of tiring, but I finished early a lot so I got to read the new book I got. It's from the S.O.S.S series, it's called Spain or Shine. It's really great so far!!!

Beth A. said...

Ok so from one of my friends at church sent me an email and said the forth book to the "Twilight Series" is called Breaking Dawn. I'm so excited but it doesn't come out untill Fall 2008. I don't know if i can wait that long. But right now for my english class I'm reading Impulse By Ellen Hopkins who is also the author of Crank and Burned. It's really good so far, i'm almost done, and I found out she' coming out with a book called Glass. Plus, there's going to be a sequel to Crank. I cant wait!!

Liz said...

Hey guys! I'm with Hannah! I am soooooo bummed! I love book talks! I like to hear about good books and what other people thought about them. I guess that's why I'm here! HaHa! I didn't like the Explore Test. Now, I'm a test person. I love the CALT Test, and I live for the MCA's. Weird. I know, but this is one of the first "Non-Class" that I took and disliked. I think it was because it was all at once. Oh well.
I'm going to the Library tomorrow, so maybe I'll find a good book to share with ya'll! Have a good weekend!
Stay Fabulous!

Stenson said...

Have no fear, ladies! Ms. Lang will be talking to our class soon. It doesn't look like it will work out for tomorrow, but I know that she is excited to share some of the new books. In the meantime, I'll do my best to show them to you, AND you can stop and ask her (or any of the ladies--Ms. Noreen or Ms. Thurke) about those books.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am finally starting Twilight!!!!! Actually I just checked it out from Stenson but I'm excited to start it!!!!!!!! Ms Stenson the books you talked about in class sounded interesting! I really want to try The Abundence of Katherines sound hilarious!!!!!!!!!