Super exciting stuff...
1. I'm 5 for 5 with books this summer. I've been on a roll. Some of them are really just for grown-ups, but the two I'd recommend for kids are The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han (though I don't need to talk it up that much...it's a huge hit that I'm just getting to) and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (a book written for all ages, brilliant writing, a fun and feisty protagonist, and an amusing caper).
2. Have you heard of Animoto? Love this free site where you simply upload picutres, pick the music, add some text and submit it all. A funky, original video appears after a few moments. I can't wait to use this in Room 103 with 7th grade readers. Here's a peek at what it can do. *It was my first attempt, so please just humor me. You can watch by clicking on the image above....
Hi Ms. Stenson!! :D
Okay, so I know this is the first time that I have been on your blog this summer (really mad about that) I meant to get on it sooner, but I couldn't find the time!! I HAVE found the time to read this summer though!!
The first good book that I want to tell you about was Newes from the Dead by Mary Hooper, which I think you already know about, so I won't go into detail to much. But it is a non-fiction story in the 1650's about this about 20 year old girl, Anne Green, who get's pregnant by Master Geoffry (her master obviously). When she births the child, it never draws a breath, it's only nine inches long, and it is barely formed. One of the other housemaids finds out about her pregnancy and the child and she is forced to go to court to settle this thing out. The jury finds that Anne Green is guilty for infanticide, her sentence hanged until dead. When her body is claimed for disection, to learn more about the human body she is found not dead!! Okay that was a really long, not going too much into detail about it, but still. It's a GREAT book, and I think that you should read it, if you haven't already.
My last/second favorite (great) book that I have read this summer is Sphinx's Princess by Esther Friesner, I haven't quite finished this one, I have about 70-80 more pages to go, and it is AMAZING so far!! Sphinx's Princess is about Nefertiti Queen of-well not yet Queen, Princess of Egypt two of the many things that she loves and is very good at are Singing and Dancing. When she meets a scribe, Henenu, a more courious side is brought out in her...she wants him to teach her the arts of reading and writing (which he does). When she is moving into her teen years her beauty and talent attracts attention near and far, and when her aunt Queen Tiye, summons Nefertiti and her family Nefertiti's life changes forever. Even though she is forced, and has to, obey the queen and live in the royal palace, Nefertiti's mind and spirit does not rest! She learns how to drive a chariot and hunt with a bow and arrow. With the whole kingdom at stake and threats at every turn, Nefertiti never backs down on what she believes in.
That summary was really long to, but I had a little help with the inside cover of the book, I couldn't summarize the whole book very easily. (:
I am SO excited for Mockingjay, I don't think that I can wait any longer for August 24!!!
This is getting really long, and I'm sorry about that!! If you have any books that you think I would like, please recommend them to me!!!
Hi again :D
Sorry that it posted like 4 times!! I have no clue why it did that...sorry!! :D
Hi Nichole! So good to hear from you. I'll fix the quadruple posting. No worries.
I'm SO happy to hear you read that book. It was of the ones Bernie suggested that's on my list. I'll get it from the library and read it, and I'll definitiely tell next year's 7th graders about it.
I haven't heard of Sphinz Princess, but it sounds like a perfect book for you! You love those books full of intrigue, suspense, longing, and love...awesome.
By the way, summarizing is really tough. But if you continue to pop on this blog and tell me what you are reading, it's going to get easier. Can't wait to hear from you again!
Take good care, and thanks for popping in!
Hi ms. stenson,
i checked your post every week and i was sad because i didnt know if something was wrong with my computer because there wasnt any posts, but thats . . . what ever anyway so far this summer i have read 12 books this summer and even though that was not my goal and i need to read pronto to ketch up i am very happy with what i have read. one book i read was amy and roger's epic detour! and it was amazing i was very suprised when i picked it up and loved it. its was a little irly and thats not really my style but i loved it! it is defanily a book you should read. i wish that we still had school because i miss you!! and all the other teachers, and anyway who needs summer when you have books??!! ok that just sounds nerdy6 to the max. scrach that . . . . i hope e keep in touch. by the way i opened up my own blog telling about books i have read sooo look for it:) hope tot alk to you soon, bye!
- Karina Lozano
So...I haven't been on here in a while because I was in the Bloomington summer musical and that just ended on Saturday...so I was extremely busy with that since school got out!
Yes...I do love a good love, intrigue, longing, and suspenseful book!!
I'm in the middle of reading Nobody's Princess also by Esther Friesner. Only this book is about Helen of Troy!! I'm not that far into it so I can't really summarize it yet....once I get farther into it, I will tell you all about it! :D
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