40. Forty. Cuarenta. 4-0. The number of books my 7th graders and I are going to try to read this year. It's about 1 a week (though I told one family it there were more than 40 weeks in the school year...oops!). It's a goal that is worth shooting for. A goal that depends entirely on effort, good choices, and good books.
Since I'm going to reach for the goal of 40 books this year too, I made sure I had a good book for this three-day weekend. I know it may be a little of a head start, but I'm counting the book I finished this weekend.
It's not a book I'd necessarily recommend to my students, but since it's the first book of the year for me, it's worth mentioning. Stalking Susan by Julie Kramer. Easy-cheesy crime novel. Kinda spooky though so I only read it when my husband was around and in the daytime hours. I've recently rediscovered mysteries, so I loved this holiday book (holiday book=easy read). I really liked that the setting (where it takes place) is in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
Anyway, 1 down 39 to go. Here's to a really fun challenge and sharing it with my students!
My inspiration for this goal comes from Donalynn Miller and her extraordinary book The Book Whisperer; this is a book every teacher, parent, educator should read.
Hey Stenson.
40 BOOKS!!!! Oh. My. Gosh. That's intense.
I think that these 7th graders should try to complete this goal.
So, I've decided that I am up to the challenge as well. I am going to TRY to read 40 books.
If you have any High School reccomendations for books, let me know! Have a great Thursday and Friday!
Your Ex-8th Grader,
Lizzie T.
Lizzie! (or is it Liz now?) So good to hear from you. Thanks for "popping" in.
I love that you are considering the quest for 40. it's about a book a week, so it's okay if you fall behind. I know that reading is about motivation (which you have an abundance of) and momentum (once you start and get on a roll...), so I like setting the bar high. However, the goal is to get excited about reading.
That said, I have the perfect book for you. Your name even popped into my head when I finished it. It's called The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by e.lockhart. It won the Printz award. To read about it, check out my post on it "In Ladies We Trust" back in June.
Stay in touch. Keep posting! Tell former-OGMer's to stay in touch too. Would love to know what you are all reading.
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