
Highlights of an Independent Reading Project!

Many, many, many 7th graders are upset with me. I've made them pick a topic (they had a choice of four: war, real teens, sports, or strong young women), and they had to read about this topic for SIX WEEKS (that's a long time for 13 year olds).

Anyway, some good has come out of it. Here a few of the good books we stumbled on:

Emako Blue by Brenda Woods. A realistic look in the lives of young black women growing up in today's world.

Stolen Voices by various kids. A informative, personal look into the lives of kids living amidst war.

Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. An exciting book about a young black man who is surprised and changed by the Vietnam War.

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. A book different from others told from the interesting perspective of a girl who committed suicide by recorded her story in audio tapes first.

The Child Called It Series. Three books about the survival of a child abuse victim. It's a true story, so it's really sad how badly he was abused, yet it makes you want to read on!

The Girl with the Baby by Sylvia Olsen. This book follows a girl who is forced to raise the baby alone. Readers learn about the consequences of having a baby at such a young age.

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