I'm the teacher who tells her students to "shake off the lazies", so you know I'm kinda nerdy, HOWEVER, I hung out with some really cool people the past few days at the TIES 2008 Education Technology Conference.
I'll take the next few days to post some nuggets that need to be shared.
5. Recently, I decided to ask my kids to make a public service announcement about avoiding child labor in Pakistan (not tough to do for most of our Bloomington families, I know). I'm tempted to start that project over after finding this site on how to make effective PSA.
4. Do you Twitter? I don't, and I'm not sure I'll start. But at least I'll know what my kids are talking about. Middle school kids may or may not use Twitter, but I did overhear one of my students say that both his mom and his aunt do. I was eager to find out about it at this session. Here's the video presentation from the conference.
3. This is a really cool site. It's called Digital Vaults.
2. This is how to convert video so you can easily upload it to other documents and presentations. Zamar.com. Teachers can get access to YouTube these days, but this seems even easier. You can put the videos right in your Keynote/PowerPoint using this.
1. Searchme.com. It's like Google meets iTunes. You can actually SEE the site before you click on the URL. Love this. I saved the best for last as far as this list goes. The picture at the top is from this site.
Let me know if you have got other "must-haves". Stealing good ideas is what good teacher do, right?
Stay in touch, and if you are a 7th grader--Keep reading.
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