I've started out the year with a book about Baghdad immediately after the U.S. occupation. It's called Imperial Life in the Emerald City, but because the books I've reserved at the library keep showing up, I've also squeezed in a few adolescent lit. books.
I think I told most of you about 13 Reasons Why and how much it intrigued me. Jay Asher is the author, but if you can't find a copy, let me know.
I also read most of Twisted; the most recent Laurie Halse Anderson book. She wrote Speak. She is a brilliant writer who knows teenagers and the ways in which they can be their most honest and their most real.
Anyway, in 2008, one of my goals is to start keep tracking of a "Someday" book list. Books that I hear about, read about, or discover that I really hope to read "someday". I've always just kept an informal list in my head, but my 2008 reading resolution is to actually keep a list in a notebook of my "someday" books.
That's my Reading Resolution...what's yours?
One thing before I go: check out this site. It looks like a reliable site-
May 2008 be one of your best yet-
p.s. I will try to get our media center to get a copy of Slam! I'll keep you posted (no pun intended).
My new years resoulution is to read more. haha just kidding!!! I'm not sure what mine is yet. But when I get ine I will keep you posted!! haha. I just started Hawksong. It's really really confusing right now, but I'm not going to give up!! Byeas!!~Hannah
Hannah, you had me scared for a second there. I was like, what is she gonna do? Skip sleeping and read?? =]
My New Years reading goal is to read more, and get through more books. I listen to Hannah and Stenson crank out books that they've read, now I want to catch up! lol
haha!! I read this really good book yesterday, it's by the same publicers as The A-list and the Clique its called Poseur: A novel. Its really good!! Right now I am almost done with the book I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to Kill you. Its pretty good so far. I am also reading Hawksong, but at the moment its kind of confusing, but I am going to keep trying to read it, the same with Gone with the wind. So ya. I also read Slam on Tuesday. That book is ah-mazing!!!! I really recommend it!!! ~Hannah
Ah-mazing darling! =]
Hey, Hannah could I borrow Poseur"A Novel??? Pretty Pretty Please??? =]]
Right now I'm still reading The Book Thief. It's a bit confusing, but I'm working on it. I'm trying to keep track of two stories in the story, but I think they might merge soon, so I think it will make it easier!
you can but, Lizzie beat you to it!! So when she's done of course you may!! It was really good, its about fashion ect, not as good as the a-list though!! ~Hannah
you can but, Lizzie beat you to it!! So when she's done of course you may!! It was really good, its about fashion ect, not as good as the a-list though!! ~Hannah
Darn Lizze! lol
Kay! Thank you Doll!!
Okay, I'm getting off to read!! =]]
Oh and Stenson, I liked the pun! lol
um ok. Still reading "I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you" Haven't been able to read much this weekend. What books are you reading Stenson?
Yes Stenson, what are you reading??
I'm still working on The Book Thief, and I brought it over to my Grandparent's house earlier. It struck a very interesting conversation between my Grandfather and I about Hitler and why he lost the war and what really went on and all that. (Okay, so it was really conversation, It was me listening to him talk about it, but it was still interesting!!)
Okay, so when I was writing my book talk I made my brother listen to it. Asked what he thought, and see if he liked it. His answer was alway a kinda or something like that. Well now when I ask him what he's reading he's always like. "Well I want to read SLAM, but your friends have it now!" So as soon as that's returned to me through the line of people he's reading that!!
I am like Brilliant! So I just found out today that The Book Theif and I Am The Messenger are written by the same person! I was like...Wow, I am smart! lol I want to read that one too! And 13 Reasons Why!
I want to read the book Julio book talked! It was Alive, about the Rugby players (SJU Rugby Rules!!!) lol. But it sounded really good!! So I'll need to get that, and I want to read Gone With the Wind soon! I need to like, stop sleeping and eating, and going to school all day! Everyday I'll go to Stenson's Class for an hour, then go back and read for the next 23 hours. Then do it all over again! It sounds like Heaven!!
maybe i will start to read again... sure! how are your new 8th graders???? i dont know but i still think our year was the best!!
hi!test.testing testing 123lizzie was here hfgj
my reading resolution for this year is to read 20 min. each day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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