
Important Quotes from The Outsiders

We've spent some time discussing the importance of literature and deeper readings.

Find a quote that really strikes you as significant. Give us the quote, the context, and why you think it is important to the book.

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Benny Benolkin said...

I think that Dally's quote "We Gotta win that fight tonight... We gotta get even with the socs" Is cool cause of the way that he shows emotion and care for his friends.


Student from 8LA said...
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ohhh its Kelsey .. said...

"Your a nice kid ponyboy. Do you realize how scarce nice kids are these days ? Would you have tried to help me ?"

The quote that Cherry stated is significant. I think she says this because where they live there is a lot always fighting and hating and judging. she thinks ponyboy is one of the few different people that shows their feelings. Even though people say soc's dont have feelings, they obviously do because cherry is showing emotions towards ponyboy. this wuote says a lot more then it seems to be saying .

Student from 8LA said...
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Student from 8LA said...

The outsiders is a very good book! My favorite quote from this book is... things are rough all over. This quote is my favorite quote, because it's very very true! I mean noting is perfect. Things may seem perfect but they never for sure are. When cherry says that I always think about how serious she must seem, because just how it was put in the book. It must mean someting!

Azjha hr.1

Student from 8LA said...

"You know the only thing keeping Darry from bein' a Soc is us."

This quote of Two Bit's is significant. When he says this to PonyBoy, It shows that Darry really cares about his faimly . He understands that they need him to survive. Witout Darry, PonyBoy and SodaPop would have to start working all the time to bearly get by. PonyBoy and SodaPop should be grateful they have a brother like Darry. Clearly this quote is significant.

Thomas M.

Z@ch H said...

This quote from Johnny's mom is significant. When she says this to the nurse, she doesn't understand that Johnny loves his gang more than his parents. She thinks that all of this is the gang's fault. If she was a more responsible mother he would have been home instead of being at the park with Pony. He could have been home the night he killed Bob. Ponyboy and Two-Bit learn how much Johnny hates his mother. He doesn't want to see her at all. He was thinking what it would be like and then passed out. Thats why I think this is a significant quote in the book.

Student from 8LA said...

This quote from Johnny's mom is significant. She said this to the nurse. She needs to understand the Johnny looks at the gang as more of a family as he does his own parents. I think that if she hadn't treated him the way she did then he wouldn't be sleeping over at Two-Bits or Ponyboy's instead of his own house. She should appologise to Johnny and treat him differently so that she could be around her son.

brunner43 said...

"He'd rather see those nocount hoodlums than his own folks..."
This quote of Johnny's mom is significant. When she says this to the doctor it shows why Jonny doesn't like his parents. It proves that she doesn't know that much about the Greasers. They cared about Johnny more than his own folks did. I think the lesson to be learned from this is that some people have a rough home. It's to bad Johnny had to deal with this. Clearly this is an important quote.

Student from 8LA said...

This quote from Johnny's mom is significant. She said this to the nurse. She needs to understand the Johnny looks at the gang as more of a family as he does his own parents. I think that if she hadn't treated him the way she did then he wouldn't be sleeping over at Two-Bits or Ponyboy's instead of his own house. She should appologise to Johnny and treat him differently so that she could be around her son.

- Charlie Leslie

Student from 8LA said...

I think Two Bits quote "You know the only thing keepig darry from bein' a Soc is us. is really cool because it shows that they are all really good friends and help each other out.

/)ex hr1

Tony Sipe said...

My favorite quote is "WE gotta win that fight tonight... we gotta get even with the Socs. For For Johnny", Because it shows how Dally is mad at the Socs for starting this feud between them, so it shows emotion for his friends.

Tony Sipe said...
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A N N ii 3 P. said...

"He'd rather see those no-count hoodlums than his own folks..."

This quote from Johnny's mom is signicant because it shows how bad of a mom she really is. It explains why Johnny hates his parents, and why he goes to sleep at Ponyboy's house and stuff. Ponyboy and Two-Bit automatically lose respect for her. They start to feel the hatred that Johnny feels. Johnny's parents didn't give Johnny a good environment to live in, so it made him want to run away with Ponyboy. If that wouldn't have happened, Bob's death probably wouldn't have occurred plus the following outcomes. Johnny's mom shouldn't have blamed the Greasers, when all of it was her fault.

MR.M1TCH R0WLAND said...

The quote from Johnny's mom "he'd rather see those no count hoodlums than his own folks" is significant to the relationship of the gang. Johnny's mother has no idea about what goes on in Johnny's life. Johnny goes to the gang for support instead of his own family, the gang is really his true family. What Johnny's mom said is also significant to the rumble. The gang realizes what that they mean a lot to Johnny and they need to fight for him.

Student from 8LA said...

"You know the only thing keeping Darry from bein' a Soc is us"

That quote of Two-Bit is significant. Darry is too smart to be a greaser and eliminating to money difference, Darry could be a Soc. Ponyboy feels sorry for Darry, knowing that he could have gone to college but he decided to stay home to support Ponyboy and Soda's life.

Jenn!! said...

I chose Johnnny's quote.

This quote of Johnny's is significant. When he said this, it represents that he is not ready to die, because he has not lived long enough. I find it important because it shows that Johnny cherishes life and wants to live longer. After I read this it makes Johnny seem not as tough as I thought he was this whole time. Clearly, this quote is significant.

Student from 8LA said...

I think johnnys quote " I don't want to die noe It ain;t long unough " is a good quote because it means that even johnny nows that he loves his friends and knows the purpose of life
Lucy W 8LA

nathan87 said...

Johnnys quote is significant for many reasonss. That you should take life for evry minute because life is short. Wishing he could get better. Think of your actions before u do it. Yes, Johnny wants to live a lot longer. Yes because it is emotianol and the truth

nathan87 said...

i rememberd my password

Anonymous said...

"We godda win that fight tonight...we godda get even with the socs. For Johnny."

There are many reasons why Dally's quote is signifigant The first reason is to show how furious Dally was at the socs, and that he was determined to win that fight, no matter what. I think that the author said it like this to emphesise how important and dangerous the rumble is, and that people could seriously get hurt. It shows this by telling the reader that Dally was holding Two-Bit's switchblade as he was talking. This is not a change for Dally, because even Ponyboy and Two-Bit know, that once Dally's eyes go red with fire, he's furious, wants to fight, and should not be messed with. These are some of the reasons why Dally's quote is important to the story.

nathan87 said...

i am really enjoing this book alot

Student from 8LA said...

Sarah S.
Johnny's quote is significant for many reasons. The author want the readers to see that Johnny thinks he is too young to die and that he hasn't done enough in his life to die yet. When you realize that you are dying you want to go back in time so you can do everything you ever wanted to before you have to leave for good. The gang gets emotional and realize that it is so hard when sommeone you cared about so much is not goin to be there anymore with you. This is important because even though Johnny's life was miserable sometimes he didn't want to leave yet. When the reader is reading this they feel sad and worry about the gang and Johnny.

Student from 8LA said...

SLandwehr:Johnnys quote is significt for many reasons. The authao said it that way to show he is to young to die. Because it shows that no one should have to die at that age. The lesson is that he was to young to die at that age. There is a change in attitude because he knows he is going to die. Yes they realize that he is going to die now.

Student from 8LA said...

moises quote johnney s quote

this quote was important becausewhen Johnnny said it he was dying .Hewas relly hurt andhe was in the hospitalhe saide it because hedid not whant to die because he whas to yung to dyie. the lesson is that if you do stupid stuff it has qonse quenses.

Anonymous said...

Two-bit's quote is significant because it shows what kind of a person Darry is, and what he's about , and what he lives for. I think the author said it the way that she said it to show that Darry cared for the greasers so much that he would stay in a place that just isn't right for him, just because they are there. It's also important because it shows what kind of a person Darry is, and what kind of people have an effect on him. But i also think it teaches a lesson of thankfullness, and realization. That they should be thankful that Darry is giving up a lot for them, and that they should realize, and respect him for that.

nathan87 said...

y isnt anybody sayin anythin this was a good book there should be a lot of words on the screen from evryone

Student from 8LA said...

Brittany M
You're a nice kid Ponyboy.Do you realize how scarce nice kids are these days?Would'nt you try to help me if you could?

Cherry's quote is significant for many reasons.The author is trying to put this way so we know that it describes how their is not very many guys like Ponyboy who are nice.She needs Ponyboys help and it might convince him to help her and shes also being truthful.It's also sayiny Cherry actually cares about him.Their is a little bit of a lesson.It's trying to teach you that they need to be nicer in their world.They all need to treat each other with better respect.Yes,their is a change in attitude its changing the way Cherry looks at Ponyboy.It's saying Cherry cares for him.The readers feel the change of emotions for them.It's making us say "oh," Cherry really does like Ponyboy more then before.

Student from 8LA said...

this book was good

Anonymous said...

ok nathan...I really liked the book and thought it was interesting. It kept the reader wanting to read more!

Student from 8LA said...

Kieumy says:

Johnny's quote is significant for many reasons.
The author wanted readers to know Johnny was a nice person. But never knew that the other side could come on out.This information is inportant to him because he didn't desever to die at a young age for helping someone else. But I guess it's an eye for an eye want he done to someone else will happen to him sooner or later to the reader like me feel very sad and scared forf what what will happen next.

nathan87 said...


alamere said...

I think Johnny's quote is significant. I think this b/c there are many reasons why. The author is trying to say that Johnny is a young teen and he doesn't deserve to die after saving all those kids. I think this is a lesson to everybody saying that even if your young and do a good deed bad things can happen. There is a huge change in attitude b/c they are all excited for the big rumble then they find out that Johnny is almost dead so they become sad and worried. When I read this I feel worried b/c Johnny i dying.

Student from 8LA said...

by Jacqueline Asomani

Dally's Quote:"We gotta win tht fight tonight......We gotta get even with the Socs. For Johny."

Dally's quote is significant. The author knew that Dally was a greaser and greasers are pretty emotional with their past and backgounds and where they came from. The Socs are kinda fake, even when they are friends with u they talk about you behind your back. I think they are like manicanes because manicanes don't have emotions, they don't have feelings like human beings.

Student from 8LA said...

i had a had time picking a quote it was eather" you know the only thing keeping dally from being a soc is us." because it sowns that he is a great friend to everyone. From two bit or the quote from johnny "I dont want to die it ani't long enough"but i picked jjohnnys quote because it was a big turn aroung from him wanting to die to fighing to survive.
Kelsey S!!!

nUHtashUH m. said...

"I dont want to die now it aint long enough"

I think johnny is saying that he is sto young to die and that he doesn't deserve to die. i think the author said it that way because its what johhny was saying he doesnt think he should die. it is important because it is showing what he thinks about him dieing. I think the change in attitude is that johnny isnt up for things hes not excited about dieing. when the reader read it they feel bad because ohnny hasnt lived a fun life hes gone threw alot of hard stuff and his parents dont care about him, he says the gang is more his family then his parents.
Natasha M

Student from 8LA said...

Saria says:

I think the author wrote this quote to show you that people say stuff that they don't mean. I think this quote is important because johnny said "i don't want to die now, it ani't long enough." he said it that way to show how you can say somethng but when it happens you just feel like taking it all back. Johnny's attitue changed and he wants to live not die. i think th lesson is that even tho you want to die, its not true myb it is (jk) anyways.. its not true its just something you THINK you want. i think readers feel something when thy read that quote. <3

Student from 8LA said...

Two-Bits quote is wignifigant for so many resons, I think the author wrote it because she wants you to think about it and how they are such good of friends, and what it means. The quote is important beacause, they are saying that every one in there gang is important to them, like one big family. I also think there is a lesson for everyone to learn that if you have a really good friend they wouldent leave you for something there not. There was a change in my attitude when i read this, you know that darry wouldent leave the gang for the Socs because they are all like a family and they all look out for each other.


Student from 8LA said...

Two-Bits quote is wignifigant for so many resons, I think the author wrote it because she wants you to think about it and how they are such good of friends, and what it means. The quote is important beacause, they are saying that every one in there gang is important to them, like one big family. I also think there is a lesson for everyone to learn that if you have a really good friend they wouldent leave you for something there not. There was a change in my attitude when i read this, you know that darry wouldent leave the gang for the Socs because they are all like a family and they all look out for each other.


Student from 8LA said...

This is Cathy L.

"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."

Johnny's quote is significent. It's saying that he did a bad thing, but then he saved the kids from the burning church. There is no lesson to take Johnny's life when he saved five kids and only killed one person. He ran into the burning church to save someone's life. He is too young to die. He means that he hasn't done anything like traveling or getting married. Everyone changes their attitude when they hear he is dead. Readers feel something about Johnny that makes them feel sorry for him. His parents don't care about him and goes around sleeping somewhere like Ponyboy's house.

Student from 8LA said...

Some of you are really putting thought and effort into the analyzing the literaure (the quote) assignment. Good job!


Student from 8LA said...

I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough"
Nicole L.:The author said it this way to show/tell you that Johnny doesn't have much time and that he hasn't done/seen things he'd of want to do in the future. It is important b/c it gets readers to understand that johnny hasn't really had a full life. Yes, there is a change in attitude with johnny, before Johnny wanted to die but now johnny just wants to experience a full and happy life. REaders might feel sorry for JOhnny b/c of how he prob. wontget to have the life he wants.

MEGAN :) said...

I think the quote "I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough" has a lot of meaning in it. Johnny said this quote when he was in the hospital with Ponyboy. Johnny said this quote because he had just gotten out of the hospital and the doctor said that he would either die or be paralized for the rest of his life. This quote has a good meaning because kids should not die they have not seen everything in life that there is to see. Johnny could have done a lot more in his life.

Student from 8LA said...

"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."

This stament that Johnny said is important. he author said it in that way because johnny iss dying and he wants to see more stuff and do more stuff in his life. This is important imformation because Johnny thinks he is dying and he might know he is. The lesson is to never die young because you can do so much more.

- Montana D.

Student from 8LA said...

Dawuan McComb
''I don't want to die now.It ain't long enough''

Johnny's statment is meaningful because the people who read this can connect with what he's saying.No one wants to dies at the young age of 16 I wouldn't.Why i think the author said it like that person did is because so people can feel at the moment that they can connect with the quote.The information is very important because it will catch the readers attention.The lesson I think is cherish the things u have because they can get taken away from u really quick. Well yes there kinda is a change but not really because johnny never thought he be in a situation like this before so maybe alittle change.Some readers might not feel something but I do and the other people should too because it's a really good wake up call.

Student from 8LA said...
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Student from 8LA said...

Cynhia L.
"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."

The quote that Johnny said was my favorite quote because the meaning is...life is short. You have to use your time wisely until your time is over. In this quote the situation is that Johnny is about to die. He's in the hospital lying there. I don't think there's a lesson in this because it's just death. It comes naturally. When Johnny said this quote I think that he's feeling really sad and scared because he's close to death. I think the author said it in that way because nobody wants to die. Everyone wants to live their life to the fullest. If you just take a look at this quote with out even thinking what it really meant then you might not even understand what Johnny is really trying to say.

DYL@N B said...

I chose the quote " I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough." I think it mean that the auther is trying to tell people that johnny is going to die. I think he is going to die because the greaser's lifes are so hard and tough so it will be just another incedent.

Student from 8LA said...

I think johnnys quote "I don't want to die now it ain't long enough". Is significant because Johnny was in pain and knew that he wasn't going to walk again or possible even die. Johnny also hasn't seen anything else but his home town and the town he went to to hide for a few days. A lesson may be that Johnny is tryiny to say that take life granted and stay gold. When Johnny is saying this he changes his tone of voice to a saded tone because he knows whats going to happen to him if he live's. I think when readers read this quote they get this heipless feeling inside of them.

Student from 8LA said...

Miriam B

I dont want to die now. It ain't long enough.

The author says it that way because he was saying that Johnny relized he really did want to live alot longer, and he dosnt want to die.
Its impotant because he's saying that he really dosn't want to die, when other times he said he wanted to kill himself, he wants to live a longer life then this.
Readers can feel something when they read it, like it makes you feel bad for him, cause if he lives he'll never beable to walk again and might just kill himself one day from being miserable, and it makes you feel like your not gonna like this book if he die's.

Dallas said...

I think the quote by dally at the end of chapter 9 is important because it shows us that Dally isn't heartless it shows us that he really care for johnny.

Student from 8LA said...

i think dallys quote is good."We gotta win that fight tonight...We gotta get even with the socs. for johney."darry said that quote when he was talking to ponyboy and two-bit in the hospital after they left johney in his room when he passed out.i think there is a change in attitude because dally is never nice and careful like that and then he says he wants to win the fight for johney he acually did something for someone. i felt something when i read it i think it shows anybody from the worst to the good can surprise you.

-mike b

Student from 8LA said...

'' Greasers will be greaser and socs will still be socs sometimes i think it's the ones in the middle that are really the lucky stiffs.''

the author put it that way because people are are no differant then other people. that information it inportant because s.e hitton is trying to tell us that the greasers and the socs are differant in many ways but same in other ways to. the lesson i would say is people have dislikes and likes and thats why people can get alone better.


Student from 8LA said...

"You know the only thing keeping Darry from being a Soc is us."

The quote that Two-bit stated was very significant. I think what Two-bit meant by that quote is don't take things for granted, and Darry must really love his family. Also he must really love the greasers. I also think he mean to keep things close because you never know whats going to happen.

Student from 8LA said...

The quote I chose was "He'd rather see those nocount hoodlums then his own folks."Ponyboys quote was significant for a couple of reasons.We learned that Johnys mom is as bad as jonys dad almost. His mom just wants to see Johny because she feels bad she never did anything to help Johny. Johny would rather see those hoodlums because his dad beats him and his mom does nothing to stop it. Johny's mom just wants everybody to feel sorry for her not her kid because she is a attention hog. I think this statement is true and the oher wrote it to show that people are attention freaks.
-Shawnee M.

Student from 8LA said...

I think Johnny's quote "I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough". I think the author said this because Johnny's young and he's too young to die.

-Nate P.

Student from 8LA said...

"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."
This quote means that Johnny doesn't want to die. He wants to do more things in his lifetime. He 's only been out of the city once before. What this quote means is that Johnny is still very young and he shouldn't have to die so soon.

tim said...

" I dont want to die now. It ain't long enough."

This quote was from Johnny and I think it means that sence he's probly going to be crippled for the rest of his life, he thinks theres no resion in living anymore. But people remind him that he still has things to do so he rethinks the whole thing

Student from 8LA said...

I Loved the way Cherry expressed her self in "I wasn't trying to give you carity, Ponyboy. I only wanted to help. I liked you from the start...the way you talked. You're a nice kid, Ponyboy. Do you realize how scarce nice kids are nowadays? Would't you help me if you could?"

- Mauri

Unknown said...

What's Up!
My quote that i choose from the outsiders was...
"You know, the only thing keeping Darry from being a soc is us." -Two-Bit
The paragraph I wrote is...
Two-Bits quote is very eye-opening to Ponyboy and many readers. Readers and Ponyboy learn that Darry really cares for his family and his gang and wants to keep them together. He never wants to leave them. Also that Ponyboy and Two-Bit and other gang members see that Darry could be a soc because he is smart and musclar so he looks the part of a soc. I really love this book it is very exciting. I am on chapter 9 so I can't wait for the rumble and to see if Johnny survives.

Student from 8LA said...

Johnny's quote is very important for many reasons. One reason is that it shows that Johnny changed his mind about suicide and that he want to live longer. Another reason why it is important is that it tells the readers to hold on to every moment of your life because Johnny is the one who wanted to commit suicide and now he wants to live. That is why Johnny's quote is so important.

Alex M.

Student from 8LA said...

The quote that I picked was "I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."
This quote has many differnt reasons why it is importent to the book. The auther put it in the book to make us think that Johnny really is young, and that it's early for a 16 year old to die, but in real life it happens all the time. It's importent because Johnny feels like he's kind of been jiped, because he hasent been or seen all the things he wants to. I think that all the greasers feel scarred and sad for Johnny. I also think Johnny feels the same way. I know that when I was reading I felt like why Johnny and I was also kind of scarred for him like the rest of the greasers were.
~Rebecca V.

Student from 8LA said...

I think that when johnny said " I dont' want to die now it ain't long enough." Johnny knew that he was going to die and was letting every thing out. Johnny isn't some tough guy that doesn't care what happens to him, he is soft and loving and cares what happends to him. Johnny knows that life is something worth fighting for and knows that his friends will miss him when he is gone.


Student from 8LA said...

"I dont want to die now. It aint long enough."

This quote is significant. Especially comming from Johny, it means that he does not want to die yet, that 16 years is not enough. I think this quote definitely has a lesson. I think one of them is is that we have to be happy for what we have, because some day, like Johny, we might lose it all. Johny didn't realize all of the good in his life untill he was dieing. I really like this quote, and it means a lot.

-Emily R.

Student from 8LA said...

Johnny's Mom's quote is very meaningful. She is angry at the nurse for not letting her see her son. Well at the same time Johnny's friends are in the room talking to him. The author wrote this because earlier in the book we find that Johnny is beaten and ridiculed by his parents. Johnny's part is kind of dark, but a interesting part.

Shane F.

Anonymous said...

is this working?

riley said...

" You're a nice kid ponyboy. Do you relize how scarce nice kids are these days? Wouldn't you try to help me if you could"?

Cherrys quote is sigifcant to the story because, its has a lesson. Its saying that most kids are drawn to say and do mean things to the others. She's saying that Ponyboy is on of the very few people who don't take part in that unless he has too! That if the shoes were switched she knows that he would probably do the same for her.....

Shaunessy F.& Riley L.

jesseB said...

I Think cherry's quote "Your a nice kid Ponyboy do you realize how scarce nice kids are these days" is cool because when she told him that he was nice it probably ment a lot to him because I dont think very many people tell him that he was nice. Also he was grateful that a girl soc told a boy greaser that he was one of the scarce amount of boys who are nice these days

Anonymous said...

Johnnys Quote" I don't want to die. It ain't long enough" is very significant because Johnny doesn't what to die, and he knows theres to much to live for.

Paul Hr 8

lauren said...

"He'd rather see those no count hooldlums than his own folks..."

I think that Johnny's mother's quote is very significant. There was a big attitude change because now it seems like Johnny's mother is acually caring about him and seeing if he is ok. Although Johnny refuses to see her, I think that he's really saying that they've hurt him so much that theres no way he could possibly forgive them. Also Two-Bit and Ponyboy saw why Johnny does not like his parents so much because Johnny's mother is rude & mean to him and his friends. There isn't a lesson but I think somebody should teach his parents a lesson on how to treat a child.
Love your favorite students :)
Lauren Fasching
Phalen Neitzel

Cherribear said...

"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."
Johnny doesn't want to die because it was to soon. He wanted to see more and experience more. I think that when your that young you don't want to die because you have't seen all the things in life that bring you joy, Johnny had only seen the drunkenness of his father and also the abuse. The only love and caring he got was from the gang and that was only brotherly love.
"I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough."-Johnny

tcg#67 said...

Johnny's mom's quote made alot of sense to me. I think she knew that she didn't treat Johnny like she was sapposed to. If her and Johnny's father payed more attention to him then he wouldn't have to be with the gang. I believe the gang is more of a family than Johnny's parents. I think that his parents would try to be nicer after they noticed that. I felt like her quote was like the poem, Gone With the Wind.

OJjuice2008 said...

I dont want to die now, it aint long enough.
Johnny should not die now he still has his whole life ahead of him.! He is still experiencing the world and how it works. For every bad thibg that happens to you something GOOD comes l8ter on in life. Bad things happen all the time and u will trip and fall, but you got to pick yourself up and strut foward agian. Sometimes your not on the right path! So choose a new path, a better one. I know Johnny willl make it throught and good things will come from his actions. he made a good chose to risk his life 4 others
Dieing is never the answer johnny!
and johnny your mom loves you and cares for you ,but she doing the best she can.!
(olive tree)_(OJ juice)_ (liv)_(olive oil)_
(OLIVIA-MARIE)!! luv u

lauren said...


love love love love love love love love love love love
lauren and phay phay

Student from 8LA said...

-Dennis J. Ehrhardt
Dally's quote about winning the fight to get even for Johnny is a quote about care and revenge. The revenge portion was intented to say that the outcome of the fight will affect how Socs will act towards greasers in the future. He is also shows he still has a narrow mind thinking that it was only the Socs fault about making Johnny live away from civilization and being in a hospital bed dying as the hour goes on. Yet that also shows Dally cares for Johnny and he doesn't want the Socs to cause harm to the other members of the group. This fight means a lot to Dally, and he wants to win for the group at any cost.

OJjuice2008 said...

GREAT BOOK the outsides 2nd time reading it
OJ juice 2008

Tommy Pham said...

I think Dally's quote about winning the fight for Johnny is important and yet cool. It shows how much he loves and cares for Johnny and is ticked off with the Socs.

Tommy P.

Student from 8LA said...

i liked the quote "We Gotta win that fight tonight... WE gotta get even with the socs for johnny" beacause it shows how much he cares and how much he wants to win this fight

Sean Foley

Student from 8LA said...

I dont want to die now. It ain't long enough. i think this is a good qoute because everyone knows they dont wanna die at that young of age. but also for johnny because he has never left his neighborhood.

Student from 8LA said...

Dally, Two-Bit and Ponyboy where sitting in Dally's hospital room taking about the rumble taking place that night. "We gotta win that fight tonight...We gotta get even with the soc's. For Johnny." Dally said this very powerfully. He said it for Johnny's honnor. We think the author put the statment that way to show the respect between Dally and Johnny. This quote is very important becasue it shows how important johnny is to the gang. It shows that Johnny is a little brother to everyone. We think there is more then one lesson to be learned here. One being that friends will never leave your side even when you are on your death bed! That friends will go out of there way to defent your honor. Some friends are more like family figures, like in this book there is a stroung brotherly bond. Also, we belive that were was a change in heart. We think Ponyboy found out that it was more then the Soc's vs. The Greasers. It was about Johnny. PonyBoy discoverd how much this rumble means to Dally. Readers get alot out of this quote, they see how much love is between the boys. As you can see, the boy have adopted Johnny as a little brother. They love Johnny as real brothers do. I really got to know more about Dally in this quote. Before all we knew was the lieing, stelling, fighting, cheating guy. No we see that Dally has a soft, loving side after all.

Hailey Beyrand
Conor Burk

Student from 8LA said...

"I don't want to die now. It wasn't long enough." It hink that's a great quote because it shows Johnnyboy's will and compassion. The author said this to show that Johnny actually cared about himself and his friends enough to stay alive.

Student from 8LA said...

dylon ^^

Student from 8LA said...

I liked the quote that johnny said. I DON'T WANT TO DIE NOW. IT AIN'T LONG ENOUGH.

Student from 8LA said...


"That was what he wanted. For someone to tell him 'No'. To have somebody lay down the law, set the limits, give him something solid to stand on. That's wha we all want, really. One time..."

It is important to the story because Bob's parents always gave in to Bob and so he never had any limits.
The lesson is that everyone wants to find out what their limits are.

Hannah Crook said...

I really like the quote " Socs will still be Socs. Greasers will still be Greasers. I think it's the ones in the middle that are the lucky stiffs.." really has a lot of meaning. It just shows that all this fighting won't change the social standing, even if the Socs win, they will still be the rich people who always get away with things. The greasers will still be at the bottom, always getting accused of bad things. I also really like the, " The only thing keeping Darry from being a Socs is us.." I don't know I just love that quote.

Ms. Steson, I started the Wednesday Wars, It's great so far, but a little jumbe and confusing at the begining- I'm sure once I get more into it it will be less confusing! ~Hannah

samairrah rocks said...

Hi Ms Stenson good book

marshalll said...

"I dont want to die know it ain't long enough"

I think that johnny says this because he thinks that he is to young to de and he needs to discover more things in life. And i think that this quote means that think twice before you do it because if you want to be in a gang theres going to be consequences.

Student from 8LA said...

1. I think the largest conflict that 8th graders deal with is him vs. himself. I think that 8th graders are sometimes scared to tell there friends things because they don't know how there friends will act after you tell them.
2. Also I think the most difficalt conflict to deal with is him vs. himself because there is no one eles involed just you.

Cait said...

Hey Ms.Stenson...It's me Caitlin Cole...Dude I remember reading that last year...Now I'm reading about two-three books a week...The quote I remember the most is "Pony-boy stay gold, Stay gold..."

jacqueline asomani said...

i think the most important quote in the outsiders is," Things r rough all over. i think that is the most important quote because the greasers r always always going through really things because they r poor n ppl r always judging them, like older ppl they think of the greasers as hoodlums. The soc r living fantasys n the greasers r living reality they can't effort the kind of car they want or the cool clothes that everyone's wearing that r like trend because they don't have the money to splurge on things. if they want to buy something they have to work 4 it, but for the socs they just ask for the money from their parents. The socs also have a good image to ppl, but the greasers r known as bad kids, but its really wrong because they soca r just as bad, i totally understand y the greasers r always fighting. i think its because they think it helps to get rid of all the anger

Bellaisthebest117 said...

I believe that the quote by Cherry is quite a significant one " It's okay... we aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us whatch the sunset to." It just goes to show that even though they seem worlds apart they all live under the same sun and every once in awhile they all look up at the same sunset.

Shop4eva said...

"Stay gold."

"I think I like it better when the old man is hitting me, at least then he knows who I am."

"Not like the Socs, who jump greasers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks and get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace on day and an asset to society the next."

"No, it's not just money...you greasers have a different set of values."

"you get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me..."

"We aren't in the same class. Just forget that some of us watch the sunset too."

Sparky said...

Lets do it for Johnny.......