
Soon to be August.

When I was a kid, I knew August meant two things. One very good thing and one very sad thing...the first was my birthday, the second was the end of the summer. August meant both. Now that I'm older, and a teacher, August means TWO exciting things. Another birthday to celebrate and another school year for which to get prepared.

I hope all of you reading this remember that each summer should be filled with at least one memory of a good book. Really, I'm not just saying that because I'm a nerdy Lang. Arts teacher, I mean it. Each of you should challenge yourself to find one good book to experience this summer. Now that August is quickly approaching, you better get going!

So far, I've had many good book experiences. But I want to share a story about the book Burn Journals by Brent Runyon. It's autobiographical. He writes about his experience in middle school. Things at school got hard and complicated; he didn't know how to talk to his parents or teachers about it, so he thought he'd kill himself by setting himself on fire. Only, he lives. And his story is inspirational, educational, and powerful.

Emmanuel ("Captain" as Ms. Sbrocco calls him) finished it this summer. I'm hoping he'll read it and tell us why he read it so quickly. Great work, Emmanuel.

So, here's your challenge, Readers...what's going to be your Best Book of Summer '07. I need some time to think about it. I just wanted you to know that I'll be expecting an answer come September.

Hope you are out there, hope you are reading.
Don't let the heat wear you out.
Keep company with talented authors and memorable characters.

Here's to you, my little readers.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I was a Barnes and Noble a couple of days ago, and I saw this book. At first just looking at the title, I thought it was a book about girls that "Burned" each other. [As in a diss. =)] I thought it might be a laugh just to read the back, and I found that it was an AB about a guy that sets himself on fire because he feels he has no other way out. I started reading it right there in store for a half an hour, and I fell in love with how the author choose to write it! I am going to reserve it at the Penn Lake Library, because I was so intrigued! I'm glad that someone else read it and liked it!