
If I Stay by Gail Forman

Of all the things I had heard about this book BEFORE I read it, the two that stand truest to me are:
it is "achingly tender" and though the story was told by a narrator on the verge between life and death, "it is a beautiful story about life".
I loved this book and I found it a mesmerizing tale.  I am not certain it's for all 7th graders because it is a sophisticated book about a mature high school girl. However, nothing is unrealistic or overly inappropriate.  In fact, I suspect, many girls will relate to Mia's insecurities, feelings about love, and complex relationships within her family.  She is a girl to look up to for many reasons--mostly her strive to be an excellent musician and her level-headed-ness about teenage relationships--and it is for that reason I feel compelled to recommend this book for those ready to read it.

Keep reading, everyone.

p.s.  This book will probably not be in our media center, as it is a mature book.  Ask your parents to take you to the public library to get a copy.

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