
Summer Reading!

Hey all.

Some of my faithful ol' readers showed up this week, so I thought it's a good time for a new post.

I have to admit, I've read LESS this summer than ever before. But that because I'm taking a bunch of classes at Hamline University (on how to read kids read...very fun!) and I've been helping Ms. Sbrocco get ready for her wedding (which took place last Saturday. What a lovely evening).

Anyway, I have read a few good books, but the ones for adults. So, I'll save you the boredom by not telling you about those (However, those of you with gardening parents: tell them about Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. They'll love, love, love it).

Here's something I got in my email inbox in the summer. Peruse the website and see if there are any good books on here. Maybe you've already read some, maybe you need to get warmed up for school next month...maybe you are just curious. Whatever the case, look over the list and let me know what you reading-minds think!

The website: Summer 2008 Reading Ideas

Looking forward to seeing you soon (online that is...high school! here you go!)

Take good care, all.
...and keep reading!

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