It's futuristic and dystopian. Ultimately it's a love story, and in the middle of this romance is Cassia, our protagonist. The Society has matched her with one boy, and she trusts their decision. Especially since he has been her best friend and favorite playmate since she was a young child. However, it is her introduction to Ky who really gets Cassia thinking- thinking about the Society, it's rules and data and predictions and perfection. Who is in control? What are the important lessons her grandfather tried to teach her? What would it be like if she could choose her destiny?
I'm already excited for the sequel due out this fall. I really recommend this book to Hunger Games fans, but I think the book is more reminiscent of The Giver. The difference between lies in their natures...while Hunger Games is a book about love and war, Matched is a book about love and freedom.
Enjoy it! Keep reading, everyone.
-abs kujawski