
Soon to be August.

When I was a kid, I knew August meant two things. One very good thing and one very sad thing...the first was my birthday, the second was the end of the summer. August meant both. Now that I'm older, and a teacher, August means TWO exciting things. Another birthday to celebrate and another school year for which to get prepared.

I hope all of you reading this remember that each summer should be filled with at least one memory of a good book. Really, I'm not just saying that because I'm a nerdy Lang. Arts teacher, I mean it. Each of you should challenge yourself to find one good book to experience this summer. Now that August is quickly approaching, you better get going!

So far, I've had many good book experiences. But I want to share a story about the book Burn Journals by Brent Runyon. It's autobiographical. He writes about his experience in middle school. Things at school got hard and complicated; he didn't know how to talk to his parents or teachers about it, so he thought he'd kill himself by setting himself on fire. Only, he lives. And his story is inspirational, educational, and powerful.

Emmanuel ("Captain" as Ms. Sbrocco calls him) finished it this summer. I'm hoping he'll read it and tell us why he read it so quickly. Great work, Emmanuel.

So, here's your challenge, Readers...what's going to be your Best Book of Summer '07. I need some time to think about it. I just wanted you to know that I'll be expecting an answer come September.

Hope you are out there, hope you are reading.
Don't let the heat wear you out.
Keep company with talented authors and memorable characters.

Here's to you, my little readers.


My Trip to the Penn Lake Library.

Some man once said, "A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life." I wish I could remember his name because he sounds like a really smart guy.

Anyway, I dug through old papers to find this quote because I was reminded of it when I took the Summer Blast students to the Penn Lake library last week. WHAT A GREAT PLACE! The librarians there, especially Anne Johnson, were helpful, welcoming, and super knowledgeable about what kids like as far as books, magazines, and even movies, comic books, dvds. Fun stuff everywhere. A bunch of the kids had a little time for the internet stations even. Very cool stuff.

I just want all my 8th grade readers to know they have a JEWEL of a library over at Penn Lake. I haven't been to Oxboro yet, but I bet it is similar. Get there! Go soon! Enjoy! Dive in. Go wild (which happens to be the summer theme at the Hennepin County libraries).

Anyway, I noticed a bunch of you are reading like crazy. I'm unfamiliar with the books you are reading, but I'm so psyched that you are reading them.

Abby, I know the PD books are fun to read, but I haven't read them. Good for you for sitting back and just getting a kick out of a few fun stories.

Brody, I love the recommendation for kids who enjoyed Twilight. I never know where to take kids after they've just read that one. It's good to have another good vampire book. Love it.

Lastly, I gotta pass along my new favorite way to "read". At the Penn Lake library, I checked out four audio books (books on cd). I put them on my iPod (is that legal?) and listened to them while walking Pucky, working out, sitting in the sun out back, etc. Loved it! Just an idea.

I love logging on and seeing new posts. Thanks for staying in touch, give yourselves a round of applause for all the reading you are doing. A life full of books and stories is a rich life to live. Keep it up and keep me posted.

Until next time,


To Reply to the Three Readers...

Hello my little readers! It's so nice to hear from you, and of course, I have ideas.

1. Jimlaine, who is the author of the series you are reading?

2. Abby, I am excited for you to read all of them. The Book Thief is a commitment, it's long and not easy reading, if you ask me. But worth the trouble because the story is touching. Tale of Desperaux is much different...easy, quick, sweet. They are two very different books. And, the Princess Diary Series is great summer reading. You can't go wrong, and it just depends what you are in the mood for. Let me know what you decide.

3. Aubs! Good to hear from you. Knowing you, I think you might like a book I just finished called Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings. It's suspenseful and realistic, and the three boys who are the main characters are memorable. You'd like it. A lot of my students would. I also think you'd like the book Jennifer Smith recommended in the first posting, A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life, by Dana Reinhardt. You can go back to the first posting on this blog, from May to see what Jenn S. and others said about it.

A big smile pops up on my face when I hear from my former students, such a good group of readers. Keep me posted on what you are reading, share your books, and your thoughts, and most importantly...Keep Reading!

Take care all!

p.s. I'm teaching summer school and I would love to have some of my former superstar readers pop in and tell my students about some of the good books they've read. They are kids one year below you, the kids who are going to be 8th graders. So you could share a good book from last year or any good book. Let me know if you are interested, and we can set something up!


Happy July 4!

Hi Everyone!

I want to thank Abby and Elizabeth for showing up on my blog recently. If you haven't seen their recommendations, click on the "Things I'm Wondering About..." blog and see their comments. It makes me very happy to see kids leaving "fingerprints" on this blog. Please, please, please continue to share your thoughts and tell me what you are reading.

Right now, I'm re-reading Because of Winn-Dixie. It's a simple story, and a sweet one. The narrator is a young girl, the hero is a dog, and there are many other memorable characters. Have you read it? Please do. You can find a lot of information about it on amazon.com or bn.com.

Ms. Willems is teaching summer school with me this summer. She mentioned the other day that the book Lightening Thief is one not to miss. I haven't read it yet, but I know a few of my 8th graders did this past year, and more and more people are talking about it.

That's all for now. You have a few recommendations for some summer holiday reading! Get out there and READ! And then come back and tell us about it!

Take care and keep reading-