
Extra! Extra! Hear all about it!

'Tis the season for the Best of 2010 lists!  I can't get enough of these recommendations, and it's fun to see what titles show up on a bunch of these lists. There's gotta be something for everyone.  Check it out.

Here's the list from the Reading Rants blog.  Enjoy!

cool chic with a megaphone image is from the Reading Rants website too.  Pretty cool pics AND very good books...gotta love the site.


Where did November Go?

Oh my goodness!  I feel terrible for not posting anything last month.  I guess I was too busy reading my own grown-up books that I forgot to tell blog about books that should not be missed by kids.

Since it is already December!, I guess I'll steal, copy, cheat my way to the first post in this last month of 2010...

This article includes books that seem more like high school books than middle school books, but I can't leave a "Best of" list alone.  Here's the first one of the season, found on NPR.com written by Gayle Forman (author of If I Stay).  Enjoy!

This is the picture from the article.  Love it!  Aaron Meshon is credited with the work.  If only my students' lockers looked like that!